I Wish I Could Show You …

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices     for Living Your Brilliance! “I wish I could show you, when you are lonely or in darkness, the Astonishing Light of your own Being!”  Hafiz of Shiraz Hello You Astonishing Star*Lights, I’m coming to … Continued

~ Coming Around Again ~

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices     for Living Your Brilliance! LOL.  I’m a little long-winded today and you make not make it to the end of my ramblings. I’ve included a couples treasures at the end of this note, so, … Continued

~ Leaving Myself Alone ~

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices     for Living Your Brilliance! Dear Ones, It comes down to this … My body. The earth. The body. My earth. Look what happens when we leave the earth alone. She re-emerges. She heals. She … Continued

~ A Little Sweetness ~

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Sweet Reminder Ponderings, Poems & Practices     for Living Your Brilliance!      ~ An Offer For You ~ I have the heart and energy to offer you support in this uncertain time by way of guided meditation, gentle practices … Continued

~ The True Reason I Practice ~

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Sweet Reminder Ponderings, Poems & Practices     for Living Your Brilliance! Hello Beloveds, This morning was wrapped in a gentle, cozy, white veil of fog. Today, like every day in the Andean countryside where I am sheltered, the weather … Continued

~ Poems That Feed My Soul ~

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Sweet Reminder ~ Ponderings, Poems & Practices     for Living Your Brilliance! Hello Beloveds, These days poetry has been good food for my soul. I’ve been carrying these poems in my heart this past week.  I share them with … Continued

~ Getting Our Life Back ~

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~ Sweet Reminder ~ Ponderings, Poems & Practices     for Living Your Brilliance! Hello Lovelies, Hmmmm. I just read a comment on FaceBook that said,  “We want our life back.”    Well, dear ones, THIS is our life.  Right now, … Continued

~ On This Holy Ground ~

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~ Sweet Reminder ~ Ponderings, Poems & Practices     for Living Your Brilliance! Hello Dear Ones, I realize how incredibly fortunate I am right now. I’ve been given sanctuary on lovely Ecuadorian land dedicated to ceremony, healing and awakening. … Continued

~ The Other Side Of The Wait ~

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~ Sweet Reminder ~ Ponderings, Poems & Practices     for Living Your Brilliance! “There is a path that is yours alone. The sun and moon and stars even do not understand. So sit on the path and wait, until … Continued