You are the universe in ecstatic motion.    Rumi

Working With Me

 I have the honor and joy of supporting individuals and couples to live their deepest longings …
The areas I specialize in are:

~  Artfully navigating life transitions

~  Creating fully engaged, vibrant relationships

~  Bringing forth your unique gifts from inspired creativity

~ Supporting women to awaken to their full luscious sensual/erotic expression

Through private coaching, personalized retreats and workshops, the journey I will lead you on is one of “undoing”; an unraveling of the myths you’ve embraced as the story of you.  When you wake up to the realization of your true brilliance you understand that there is no destination to reach. There is nothing to fix; no special formula to concoct.  You already are that which you’ve been seeking.

When we work together I’ll stand with you in waking up that vibrant brilliance.  I’ll encourage you. I’ll laugh with you.  I’ll cry with you. I’ll challenge you. I’ll kick your butt when you need it.  And I’ll remind you of your brilliance, when you’re forgetting.

With curiosity, compassion and humor, through a practice based approach, attention begins to shift from the content (story) of life to the context (pure limit-less potential) that life emerges from.  Life becomes inspired with fresh inspiration, creativity and an enlivened engagement with each moment.

One of the most fulfilling parts of my work is seeing people, similar to you, step into living their richest life.    When you awaken to the freedom and juiciness that is already here, right in this very moment, you organically express the unique gift of YOU!      And that’s an amazing blessing to the world.



If somethings tickled your interest from the things you’ve been reading here this could be the start of a wonderful relationship!

What I offer isn’t a match everyone.  But if it’s for you, wowza, we’ll share quite an adventure!

The best way to explore what’s possible in working together is through a “Discovery Session”.  Set aside 90 minutes where we can dive deep into what you’re longing to bring forth in your life.  At the end of the call we’ll both see if it’s a match to work together.   If we both get a “yes” … away we go!

Click Here to apply for your complimentary
Discovery Session



