~ Wild Lyon~Hearted Love ~

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices     for Living Your Brilliance! Hello Precious One, This poem carries my heart’s longing for fierce-terrifying-transformative love. Breathing into this message with you, Sharon …. There is a wild love that will not satisfy you … Continued

~ YOU!  Love Note From Rumi ~

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices     for Living Your Brilliance! Dear Beautiful One, Ahhhh.  Rumi (via a friend), dropped this beautiful reminder into my in-box this week.  Perfect words. Perfect timing … If you knew yourself for even one moment, … Continued

~ Sending This Right Back To You ~

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices     for Living Your Brilliance! Hello Dear Lover, Here’s a simple practice that can be extraordinarily potent.  It’s a beautiful way to start and end your day.  Give it a 7 day test-run, for the … Continued

~ My Birthday Mantra ~

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Ponderings, Poems & Practices     for Living Your Brilliance! Lighten The Fuck Up! ~ Life is too Mysterious to take so Serious ~   Hello Dear Ones, A couple days ago I celebrated my 63rd birthday. I’m thinking that … Continued